Posts tagged brian
Thankful He's Alive!

It’s 3am on Easter Sunday. It’s still, dark, and my feelings are raw and tender. For a few moments yesterday, I thought I was losing my husband, Brian, and the image of what I thought could be him dying is now etched in my brain.

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Janell WoodbrianComment
A Change of Heart AKA On Letting Go of Some Dreams for Better Ones

When Brian and I first got married, we made a list of things we would do after we had a family.  We dreamed about the home we would create, the values we would instill in our children, about travels and memories we would make.  We wrote them all down and put that piece of paper away.  But every now and then, when I’m cleaning or daydreaming, I’ll come across that piece of paper and compare the life I’m living with what’s on the list.

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