Jesus & Alternative Spiritual Practices with Douglas Groothuis

Hello Everyone Today on the podcast we welcome back Douglas Groothuis!

Today’s discussion covers a few of Noelle’s questions was about spiritual practices and why some of them might be concerning for Christians.  Doug Groothuis shares about his own personal faith journey, why he's not an atheist or agnostic. He also talks about reasons followers of Jesus should avoid spiritual practices outside of Christianity. He responds to some of Noelle’s questions and objections. 

We hope you enjoy today’s episode!

About Douglas

Dr. Douglas Groothuis has fire in his bones for the Christian message and many irons in the fire to explain, defend, and apply it. He has been explaining the world to the church and explaining the church to the world for nearly fifty years through his teaching, preaching, writing, mentoring, and general witness. His passion is to take to the streets the truth and significance of the Christian worldview for all of life. To that end, he publishes both academic and popular works, preaches in churches, gives public lectures, engages in debates, and has appeared on hundreds of radio programs and podcasts since 1983. He is known as a knowledgeable, sharp, forceful, but gentle communicator of the Christian message.  

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FSR October 2023 with Douglas

Douglas’ Website

Janell Wood