Faith Seeking Understanding with Jahdiel Perez

Today on the podcast, Dagmar and Leke join Janell for a conversation with Jahdiel Perez.

Jahdiel shares about how he came to Christ and his journey from being disqualified from the Marine Corps to studying at a few of the world’s top universities.   He defines philosophy and shares how studying it impacted his faith.  He also shares his love of C. S. Lewis!  We get to hear a wonderful conversation about what to do when our faith feels dry, the place of feelings in our relationship with God, learning to wait on the Lord, and why dry seasons are important to our faith. 

About Jahdiel
Jahdiel Perez teaches Christian Thought at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Boston. He is about to complete his D.Phil in Theology and Literature at the University of Oxford and become a Postdoctoral Scholar in the Humanities Department at Villanova University. 

In his research and teaching, Perez integrates theology, philosophy, and literature to demonstrate how the Christian faith can respond to some of the most pressing questions of our time. 

Janell Wood