A Love That Allows Trust with Michelle Watson

About Michelle Watson

Michelle came to Christ in 2013. She currently serves in her local church as the tech lead.
Owner of Thirtyone25 Creative—coaching and consulting for digital missionaries that want to ditch the overwhelm and own the algorithms on social. Co-hosts The Pantry Podcast with my husband Shea Watson where we serve up spiritual nutrition for Christian soldiers that prefer truth over cavities. Mama of one amazing two year old. Lover of matcha lattes and anything outdoors that doesn't require too much atheleticism (lol).

About May’s Co-Host Becca:

Today, Janell sits down with Mays cohost Becca Schultz. Becca grew up in rural Pennsylvania & Ohio with her mom (a catholic) and her dad (a protestant) and two sisters.  She is currently studying science with the intent to be a middle school science teacher. Even though her university is one if the most known party-schools, Becca has found a great biblical community on her campus. 

She has been learning what her faith means to her. For a while, she was putting on a fake face and felt pressured to stay with her upbringing, but now is letting her faith become her own. She started attending a non-denominational church in high school. In the context of the non-denominational church, she appreciated the ability to be open and honest about her story and she had the opportunity to be discipled.

Bible Verses

Matthew 6:33

Matthew 22:37

Matthew 11:28-30

Today, Janell and Becca sit down with Michelle Watson to talk about trust. They talk about struggles with the family, the church, and what it means to truly seek God.

Some of today’s topics include: dealing with condition, discovering Grace, how Michelle talks to God throughout the day, and more! We hope you enjoy today’s episode!


We would love to thank our Patrons for all their amazing support! Special thanks to our friend, Michele Tupen. To learn more about supporting Finding Something REAL via Patreon, click here!

Mentioned in this Episode

Introducing Rebecca: Her Story & Faith Questions

FSR s4e18 with Becca & Lou Philips

FSR s3e2 with Josh White

Thirtyone25 Creative

The Pantry Podcast

Michelle's Instagram

Your Spiritual Gameplan episode with Michelle Watson


The Chosen

Vision of You by Shane & Shane

Janell Wood