Faith Seeking Understanding with Allen Crostic- BONUS

Season 4 FSR Podcast Graphics (2).png

In this robust bonus episode, we’re welcoming back a returning guest. Allen Crostic has a Masters in Christian Apologetics and as a former agnostic, loves to talk about reasons for faith. In this conversation with February co-host, Tori Carpenter and myself, Allen shares why he didn't stay in skepticism but searched for answers. Allen describes faith as active trust in what you have good reason to believe is true. We talk about doubt and why he's passionate about apologetics (always being prepared to give an answer with gentleness and respect). Allen details why he rejects the idea of innate human goodness. He also shares the significance of believing in Jesus' death, deity, and resurrection, differentiating between a salvation issue and secondary, in-house issues.

There are graphic descriptions of human evil & a couple four letter words for excrement are shared in this conversation with Allen.

"Where am I deriving my sense of worth? Am I deriving it from my moral performance or am I deriving it from God's love for me? If my idea of my own worth is tied up into how well I can morally perform, then I can understand feeling like crap... But here's the great thing about the Gospel: With the Gospel, God's grace doesn't come to those who morally outperform others... God's grace comes to those who recognize their failure to perform and recognize their need for a savior."



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