Why is Evangelism Important? with Keith Oglesby


Today’s episode of the Finding Something REAL podcast features Janell’s conversation with Keith Oglesby.— and Evangelism and Camp and Outdoor Leadership professor at Liberty University.  Today, he sits down with Janell to talk about what exactly is the Gospel, whether or not evangelism is a spiritual gift, the importance of living and speaking the Good News, and more! We hope you enjoy today’s episode!

Mentioned in this episode:

Liberty University
Cross Examined with Frank Turek
Evangelism Is… by Dr. Wheeler
David Platt & Francis Chan on Evangelism
The Explicit Gospel by Matt Chandler
Bart Millard
I Can Only imagine (movie 2018)
Crazy Love by Francis Chan
Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus by Nabeel Qureshi
Share Jesus without Fear by Linda Evans Shepherd
Good News for a Change by Matt Mikalatos
The Way of the Master by Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron 
The Story (app)

Janell Wood